Monday, 1 June 2015

It Ain't Easy Part 2

Well I have managed to change the colour scheme of my Blog page and have added a link for people to follow my blog.  Just enter your email address and click submit.  I still don't know if I just keep doing new posts, do they carry on from each other or what ?
It seems each time I post I have to put a new title !  Oh well I shall keep going.

I think I was talking about school, kids were cruel but I managed to make a few friends who watched out for me, some of which are still my dear friends today.  My treatments continued...regular tar baths at the hospital, tar bandages from head to toe, magazines tied on my arms at night to keep them straight and socks tied on my hands.  But still each morning there would be bleeding sheets and pillows, because I learnt to Rub my skin off.  Bathtime a nightmare as well, the water stung, and there were bandages stuck to me that had to come off.  Infection was my middle name, sometimes plastic bags would be put on me under the bandages to draw the infection out, and left on for a couple of days. And to top it all off during all this I was also a chronic Asthmatic being rushed to the Doctors in the middle of the nights and he would pump Aminophyline straight into my vain.  It was instant breath I will never forget it  That drug is no longer used today.  When I was 8 years old I began my lifetime journey with Prednisone (Corticol Steriods  - -Immune Suppressants).

You know what ! Adults could be cruel too.  I was never allowed in the swimming pools at school.
One day Shali TeAho and my cousin Tina Lomas talked me gently into going to the McCrae baths for a swim.  I put my togs on in the changing room and then a towel around me so no-one would see my skin.  I ran and jumped into the water before anyone could see.  It was like freedom there I was feeling safe, none of the kids could see my skin in the water.  All of a sudden the Custodian (Mrs bloody Gilgren she was) blew her whistle, everyone stopped splashing around and became still.
Then she said to me "What are you doing in the pool with all that stuff over you, get out at once" and I had to climb out of the pool covered in Eczema with everybody watching.  I never went back in a pool again till I was in my 30's and I learnt to swim !

My Mother was harsh but felt she had to be.  My Father was my idol, my hero the most gentle, placid, patient, kind man, he was my everything !  My parents took me everywhere for help.
I went to the Colourman, a Naturopath, Chinese Herbalist, Maori Medicine, Wheat Free and Dairy Free Diets, Hypnotism, Faith Healing, and Dermatologists.  Throughout all of this time my darling sister was being neglected, grew into a teenager and had her own battles but that is her story to tell.

Well, thanks to everyone reading my blog I hope I can make a difference to some.  I have a busy few days coming up so I will be back soon.  Had a hard night at work tonight I'm off to sleep.  Yes, sleep deprivation is no longer an issue in my life and I'm getting to my happy ending so keep reading.
Nite nite !


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