Sunday, 26 July 2015

As a Girl Thinketh

I trust I am not the only person on the planet who has a little, sometimes big, voice in their head. Sometimes that voice has got me in the shit big time.  I know I'm not the only person who talks to herself.  So, is it a voice? or are they thoughts ?  I will leave that decision to you.   One of my biggest tools to overcome bad thoughts or negativity is to be grateful.  Gratitude is powerful.  I say to myself (yes there we go, say to myself) "Gaelene, get a grip, get over it, stop the pity party who do you think you are ?"  So, I find something to be grateful for.
We really do have a lot.  I don't care what it is, the roof over my head, my family, my food, the water coming out of my taps, the bloomin flushing toilet, there is something to be grateful for, always !

Sometime last year I decided to google the word Itch !  You know it cannot really be defined, it just is ! Itch is Itch and that is all there is to it.  But, I came upon a paper written by some fancy Professor of the London University about Behavioral Itch.  I Never heard of it before, there were several studies about it.  I got excited ! Some of it went click in my head and made sense to me.  Anything that makes sense to me I will pursue.  Like I pursued the vitamins and minerals I take cos the language of our cells is important.  Anyway, I began to wonder if my scratching was a behavior.  Maybe some of the itch was in my head.  Maybe I am scratching myself to pieces because it feels good, I have done it all my life, even hidden to do it, can't live without it etc.  That it may be a habit, was an avenue I had never taken before.  I tried everything else.

So, I swallowed my pride and began appointments with a Psychotherapist. It turned out to be a good choice. I can't say it stopped me scratching.  To an extent it helped.  I was empowered and comfortable with sharing the shit so to speak.  I have some of the best friends on the planet, but there is something about telling it to a stranger, knowing that's what they are there for.  It's kindof Free !
The amazing thing is that it was so easy and the past could not and did not hurt me.  Once again it is good to look back to see how far we have come I say.  My psychotherapist was incredible.  He knew the value of listening and possessed empathy.  In fact, he is no longer practicing but these days is my friend, how special is that. interesting word !  In my personal dictionary it means walk a mile in someone's else's shoes, cos the world isn't all about Me !