Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Assumptions... What?

I recently got sick and landed in hospital, and it takes a lot to lay me out.  Anyway shall I tell you the story ?...ok then.  It has a funny side !  

I had the runs (diarrhea) for two days, and was vomiting, couldn't even keep water down.  On the 3rd day I started pooing blood. Oh dear, best I go to the Doctor, a dear friend took me. Two stool samples later some anti-nausea meds, pain relief and I went home, on the way delivering the stool samples to the hospital as my doctor instructed. At this point I will say thank you with all my heart to the extra special friends I am graced with in my life.  About 10pm  that night the pain, cramps in my stomach became too much to bear.  And I'm tough right...another dear friend took me to A&E for urgent attention, she had stuck around my place long enough for me to make the call, knowing how stubborn I am lol.  At this stage please note that I wore a scarf not a wig. The Doctor arrives looks at me and asks "Is there any other medical condition we should know about."  I replied very casually "No, just Eczema and Alopecia." In goes the IV needle, Morphine and wow the relief is beyond words. Five litres of IV fluids were pumped into me that night, I was completely dry!  I had no trouble sleeping that night, I was put in a single room way down the end of the ward, and was given a commode in my room in case I was infectious. I was Nil By Mouth, more Morphine I was feeling better. 

Touch wood I have not stayed overnight in a hospital for many many years, and I must say I found the standard of care rather poor.  Well, ok then, it sucked !  The next morning, well what the heck has happened to common sense.  The surgeon is on his rounds, I'm waiting for my turn.  I had been offered cups of tea which I had to decline I was Nil By Mouth ( no sign in my room to say so.)  Around 11am a nurse comes to my room, oh dear the surgeon had forgotten about me, and is now in surgery for the rest of the day "ok well when is he coming back I said and while you are here could you please empty my commode." Kindof reluctantly she emptied it.  A locum doctor came to see me, tells me they have lost my stool samples !  Oh my God, where are my shit samples !  Floating around the hospital somewhere ? The young doctor said he would get the surgeon to see me asap,I must remain Nil By Mouth in case the surgeon wants to stick a camera up my bum, and while looking at me he asked "Is there any other medical condition we should know about ?"  I said "No just Eczema and Alopecia."  

By this time I haven't eaten for 4 days and I'm really hungry, guess what, they brought me lunch!I had to say I'm not allowed to eat that.  "Oh well" the lady said "I will just leave it here for you for later."  and places it on the table right beside me.  No one has been to offer me a wash or shower.  You would think someone recently shitting blood might like a wash yeah ?  So, I rolled my IV over to the basin, had a lovely wash then thought "Fuck it" and I ate the mushroom soup !  The surgeon came, I said "You are too late I ate the mushroom soup."  He was going to keep me another night and instead said "If you can keep the mushroom soup down you can go home."   I said Yay! and with sheer grit and determination I kept that mushroom soup down. A nurse came and took the IV needle out of my arm, and asked me "When did you have your Chemo" I'm horrified at the assumption and replied "I HAVE ALOPECIA." she went very red in the face. Paper work done I couldn't wait to get out of the place, I'm put off work for a week cos I might be infectious,  The nurse comes in empties the commode and says I can use the real toilet now.  I'm thinking hold on a minute I might be infectious!, so much for infection control.  My friend picked me up, as we were walking out, knowing my stool samples were still lost, there were 4 nurses sitting behind the desk...What ! On the way home we picked up my prescription and chicken noodle soup, that's all I wanted Chicken noodle soup.  I had been home about 10 minutes and the phone rang, it is some other nurse asking me "Gaelene, did I take your IV needle out." Oh for goodness sake, I should of said " No you didn't".  Then it dawned on me that two Doctors had also assumed I had cancer when they asked if I had any other medical condition.  It turns out I had Gastroenteritis, after a week at home resting, soup, jelly, I'm all good now. 

I mean, really, is this the standard of care right across the country or is it only where I live ? What has become of Nurses,(and Doctors) are they nurses in it for the money, or is their heart in it.  It used to be a Nurse was a Nurse she had a passion to care for people, a certain sensitivity,  and we were proud of them.  I'm not so sure anymore. Is hospital a safe place to be ? I think the thing that pissed me off the most was not losing my stool samples, or being forgotten, but the assumption that I had cancer because I was wearing my scarf ! 
How Dare You !  and oh yeah they found my samples the next day.