Have you ever felt Led, like guided through life, you know like when sometimes things happen that turn the page in our lives, and it feels like it's meant to be. What is that, is it Coincidence ? Well I figure I have proven to myself that it is not Coincidence. Things just sometimes add up, make sense. My Dad called it common sense !
So recently on the Maori TV was Dr Joe Williams. In the interview they showed before and after photos of babies, children, adults being helped. Eczema disappearing after seven days treatment.
You can go to his page on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eczema-Book-by-Dr-Joe-Williams/1384461888516661 Dr Joe has 50 years Eczema Research up his sleeve and has documented it all in this book. I am gobsmacked to find there are about 13 different types of Eczema...NOT JUST ONE ! as a Dermatologist would believe.
So I purchased the book, I read it three times. I knew , I knew that I knew, I had to go and see the Doctor. Then, I booked my flights to Auckland to see Dr Joe Williams. Got grab a seat deals so it was no biggy. My niece ran us around in her car, bless her. He is at the Mt Wellington Integrative Health Clinic. It is an open clinic, he is there Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am - 5pm. You go and wait your turn. I had my darling sister Leanne, and my precious niece Karin with me. We turn up there at 9am by 10am the clinic is full of people needing help. Just before lunchtime they call my name. Holy crap it's my turn.
My sister came with me into his room. He is so gentle and caring, I can tell he really cares. I become a little more at ease. So he takes a look at my skin and says "you poor dear." He asked me "what tests have you had" I replied "None." He was appalled at this and wanted to know why not.
I had to tell him that dermatologists have told me tests would be a waste of time it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. So what did Dr Joe do ? ... he took the tests. A skin scraping and a blood test. He asked me if my mother ever told me I had cradle cap as a baby. Well yes she did, she said it began around my scalp and then.covered my whole body. He told me "Well my dear that is where your problem began." OMG, 54 years to discover it started as cradle cap. Well, like I said some things are meant to be, I will not question why it has taken 54 years, I shall just get on with things. He explained to me what type of Eczema I have. Personally signed my copy of his book for me.and THEN, he said " You will have no itch in seven days." I burst into tears because I don't know life without itching.
He took me into another room to take photo's of my skin, most of my body. My sister and my niece came in there with me.
So I'm trying to get my top off and my feckin hair is coming off as well
LOL so I just took my hair off threw it at my sister asking her to hold it for a while. The poor lady taking the photo's got a little fright, but carried on. Hilarious I thought. I got big hugs from all the staff and Dr Joe, I left there with his Eczema Care Treatment Plan (which is in the back of his book), and purchased the creams and body washes and soaps I need (with some help from my sister).
The last thing Dr Joe said was "We are going to call you Joylene."